February 22, 2024
Today I went to the preschool to present my book and story board. I was sort of nervous to start but I know the kids since I work there so I believe I have an advantage. when we first arrived, Mrs. Lisa greeted us and let us choose what class we were going to be in. and of course I chose room 8. It is my favorite room and they are very well behaved. as soon as they entered the room from playing outside I was greeted with hugs and giggles. once I got them to calm down (with the help of Mrs. Melissa and Mrs. Amber of course.) they were easier to manage
I introduced myself to the ones who weren't familiar then asked if they wanted me to read them a story. with screams of excitement they approved of the idea. I was less nervous than when I first walked in. then I started reading it. And I stuttered a bit but little kids don't seem to mind those things. I got to the part in the book where I talked about the families ignorance and their need of emotional healing. I don't think that part should have been included.
then I started on my story board and man did they have a lot of opinions on my board. some called it a work of art while others thought the trees looked like broccoli. that's okay in my opinion. they sure do have wild imaginations. I also introduced the characters to them. one student in particular got the theme very quickly. first I showed Terry the tiger turtle. the student exclaimed "MRS ADDISON IS THAT A TURTLE THATS A TIGER?". and I told the student how they were correct and I think that made their day. I went one with the presentation and I sat in there for a little bit just chatting with them. then I went to room 9. blain inman was in there before me and his presentation must have been very entertaining. the students were still talking about his cool sea creature counting. and soon they calmed down and we started on my story. this time I didn't stutter. but my board did fall a couple times. after both my book and board were presented I handed my puppets around. lets just say that wasn't a good idea. terry and daisy look a little rough.
but after all was said and done, I think all the intro to ed students did a wonderful job. and I think going down there and having to perform for them will greatly benefit us in our future.